We can learn a lot about a person by the words he speaks, the actions he takes, and the company he keeps. Now, with the Presidential Election only days away, it behooves us to take a closer look at Donald Trump in this regard during these closing days.
The Enemy According to Trump
On Friday, October 11, 2024, at a rally in Aurora, CO, the former president stated: “It’s the enemy from within, all the scum that we have to deal with that hate our country. That’s a bigger enemy than China and Russia.” Trump expanded on this sentiment during an October 13th interview he gave on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures. When he was asked if he expected chaos on Election Day from outside agitators, he responded: “I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within, not even the people that have come in and [are] destroying our country . . . I don’t think they’re the problem in terms of Election Day. I think the bigger problem are the people from within. We have some very bad people. We have some sick people, radical left lunatics. And . . . it should be very easily handled by – if necessary, by National Guard or, if really necessary, by the military, because they can’t let that happen.”
I wonder if the American people are really hearing what Trump is saying. Kamala Harris certainly seems to be. Her overall reaction was that Trump’s comments should “alarm every American.” More specifically, on October 16th, at a campaign event in Pennsylvania, she said: “… let us be clear about what he is saying. He considers any American who doesn’t support him or bend to his will to be an enemy to our country. And further, he says that, as commander in chief, he would use our military to go after them. Honestly, let that sink in: use of the American military to go after American citizens. And we know who he would target first . . . journalists whose stories he doesn’t like, nonpartisan election officials who refuse to cheat by finding extra votes for him, judges who insist on following the law instead of following him . . . It is clear Donald Trump is increasingly unstable and unhinged. And he is seeking unchecked power.”
Whether or not we agree 100% with Harris’ statements, her words should give each of us pause to consider the validity of what she has expressed, given what we know about Donald Trump.
The American Fascist
When Trump was President, he appointed Mark Milley as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the nation’s highest-ranking military officer. He had high praise for Milley in the beginning, but over time – as has happened with so many Trump appointees – Trump soured on Milley who subsequently left the administration.
On October 11, 2024, The Guardian quoted Mark Milley’s current assessment of Trump: “He is the most dangerous person ever. I had suspicions . . . about his mental decline . . . but now I realize he’s a total fascist. He is now the most dangerous person to this country . . . a fascist to the core.” (This quote can also be found in Bob Woodward’s upcoming book, WAR.)
If you are unclear as to what a fascist is, just know that the founder of fascism was Benito Mussolini, dictator of Fascist Italy during World War II. Adolf Hitler, dictator of Nazi Germany embraced fascism as well, and we know how good those two were for the world at large.
It is reasonable to assume that if Trump has fascist tendencies, as Milley claims, he would admire other fascists and authoritarian types who desire absolute power. This appears to be the case. For example, on several occasions, Trump has used the language of the Nazis to make his points. According to The Guardian (June 3, 2024), he has reportedly said that Adolf Hitler did “some good things;” and has echoed Hitler’s words by calling his political opponents “vermin,” and accused illegal immigrants of “poisoning the blood of our country.”
More recently, Business Insider (October 9, 2024) reported on Trump’s relationship with Russia’s Vladimir Putin, indicating that Trump praised the dictator for being “smart” and “genius” after he began his unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. Specifically, Trump is quoted as saying, “I’d say that’s pretty smart. He’s taking over a country – really a vast, vast location, a great piece of land with a lot of people, and just walking right in.” In addition, Bob Woodward, in his forthcoming book, WAR, indicates that Trump and Putin have a closer friendship than previously known, citing up to seven phone calls with Putin since Trump left the office of the President. The Trump campaign, however, denies this report.
Trump’s Recent Language and Mental State
One noteworthy concern in recent days is Trump’s language patterns. His ability to connect thoughts in a cohesive manner and to succinctly state his position has diminished significantly over time.
A clear example of this occurred at the Economic Club of New York several weeks back. Trump was asked what legislation he would put forth to help make child care affordable. His answer was as follows:
“Well, I would do that. And we’ve been sitting down. You know, I was – Somebody – we had Senator Marco Rubio, and my daughter, Ivanka, was so impactful on that issue. It’s a very important issue. But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about that – because the child care is child care – it couldn’t – you know, there’s something – you have to have it. In this country you have to have it. But when you talk about those numbers, compared to the numbers I’m talking about, by taxing foreign nations at levels they’re not used to – but they’ll get used to it very quickly. It’s not going to stop them from doing business with us. But they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country. Those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we are talking about, including child care.”
He continued talking for about another minute in the same rambling manner. Even if we can decipher the intent of his statements, they suggest a mind that is not functioning as sharply as it should. This is particularly disturbing given that he will potentially be our next President. Yet this is only one of many examples.
Another example focuses on his behavior more than his speech. During a campaign town hall in the Philadelphia suburbs, after several people fainted from the heat and were being cared for by the medical team, Trump decided to put the rally on hold and play his favorite musical selections. According to Newsweek (October 15, 2024): “For nearly 40 minutes, Trump kept asking for more music, swaying oddly in front of the crowd, occasionally closing his eyes, and retreating to a comforting place in his mind, like being wrapped in a warm blanket.” He finally left the stage after speaking to some supporters and possibly signing some autographs. Does this seem like normal behavior to you?
Eighteen (18) experts in psychiatry, law, science, history, economics, and Journalism believe it is not normal behavior. This group gathered at the National Press Club on September 27, 2024, for a conference entitled, “The More Dangerous State of the World and the Need for Fit Leadership.” At this conference, they warned that Donald Trump was unfit for duty and a significant danger to our nation. They also collectively agreed that Trump’s mental state is deteriorating, further increasing the danger to our nation.
Now consider that a Donald Trump Presidency will likely implement the Project 2025 agenda (See blog on “Summary of Project 2025’s ‘Mandate for Leadership’,” elsewhere on this website) and that, as a result, the guardrails we currently have to protect us from a President in mental decline (i.e., the 25th Amendment to the Constitution), will very likely be removed. Where will we Americans turn to preserve our union from a man who is intent on doing anything he wants to do as President with full immunity?
The True Enemy from Within
If you have read the contents of this website with care, and have paid attention to the words and actions of Donald Trump over the years, and have honestly looked at the results of the chaos he has fomented since he came into the public eye as a political figure, then you already know who the true enemy from within is. It is Donald Trump himself.
- He Is a Liar: He is a well-documented liar and one of the principal purveyors of fake news. As a result, he brought confusion and hatred into this country to a level that has not been seen for decades – hate the immigrants, hate the Democrats, hate the liberals, hate anyone and anything that does not agree with him, and use the most inflammatory language to prompt his supporters to act emotionally rather than rationally.
- He Is a Friend to the Rich: He claims to be a man of the people, but his friends are the very rich; while in office, his tax breaks benefited the very rich; and one of his current fervent champions is billionaire, Elon Musk, who contributed over $100 million dollars to the Trump campaign.
- He Is an Insurrectionist: He is the only previous U.S. President who incited insurrection in our nation’s Capital; allowed for the death and injury of more than 100 people, including police and civil servants; and denied all responsibility for his actions, finally telling his supporters after several hours of chaos, “Go home in peace. We love you.”
- He Is a Weaponizer: He has characteristically deflected his bad actions by accusing his opponents of committing the very abuses that he himself has actually committed, such as weaponizing various government departments and agencies. Specifically, as President, he weaponized the Supreme Court by appointing several conservative justices who collectively have reached some very questionable Constitutional decisions, including denying a woman’s right to choose (Roe vs. Wade) and giving U.S. Presidents almost complete legal immunity for their actions in office. And ultimately, he has weaponized the Republican party, such that it is now considered “the party of Trump,” with Republicans generally doing anything he asks.
- He Is a Dictator: He has promised to reshape our government with an all-powerful Presidency that will remove the balance of power between the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary branches, and serve the will of one man – him. In the name of the U.S. Constitution, he will destroy that very Constitution, and along with it, everything that we Americans hold dear.
- He Is a Fascist: He is now disparaged by former political allies, appointees, and family members who have come to know him on an intimate level. Among these is Mark Milley, the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who recently stated, “He is now the most dangerous person to this country . . . a fascist to the core.”
- He Is a Destroyer: He has a long-standing interest in the usefulness of atomic weapons. And based on past statements, he seems to believe that nuclear warfare is inevitable. He has often been seen as unpredictable and easily provoked, which is not the best prescription for world stability. Given his psychological profile, he would likely threaten the world with the prospect of nuclear war, at the peril of us all.
- He Is Mentally Compromised: His recent speech patterns and sometimes incoherent statements suggest a man who is in mental decline. In addition, his actions and personality profile strongly suggest psychopathic tendencies that make him unfit for the Presidency or any other public office, according to numerous leading authorities in mental health.
- He Is a Felon: He is a convicted felon, with three more indictments still pending.
If you love the fundamental principles of our nation, and if you want to ensure its ongoing success and viability, then I ask you to weigh your decision carefully when you go to vote this November. Look at the evidence. Cast your vote to support the balance of power; inclusion, not hatred; and freedom, not dictatorship.
One response to “The Enemy Within”
Excellent. Eloquent. Thought-provoking. Everyone should read this.